Billing Information
How to fill out your billing information
To upgrade your plan to any other than Free/Tiny you need to enter some information such as:
Billing email
Name or Company
Postal code
There are two ways to do so. First option is to fill out the billing information in your profile, the second one is to provide the information when changing to another plan.
Some fields of the form are required or/and have a strict format.
1. Complete your profile
In order to fill out your billing information, you must first log into your account. At the top, click on your account and select "My Profile". Your profile page will appear. On the Billing Information tab, fill in your information and confirm your changes with the Save button.
2. Provide the billing information when changing to a higher plan
This option is for users who have not yet entered their billing information. Once you have completed your billing information, you will not need to enter it again if you change your plan.
In order to fill in your billing information, you must first log in to your account. At the top, click on your account and select "Plans". Page of available plans will appear. Select the plan you want to switch to. After confirming the plan change dialog, a window will appear to fill in your billing information. Confirm the completed information by clicking the Save button. After that you will be redirected to the payment gateway to change your plan.
Some fields of the form are required or/and have a strict format.
Last updated